Ada Upaja Rampok Hasil Laut Maluku
Berita Maluku | Februari 6, 2023 200 Kapal Pencuri Ikan Berkeliaran di Laut Arafuru Setiap Hari Liputan6 | 02 Oktober 2015 Palm oil companies exploit Indonesia's people - and its corrupt political machine The Guardian | Thursday 11 June 2015 Kasus Illegal Fishing di Perairan Maluku Tertinggi Berita Trans | Senin, 8 Juni 2015 Maluku seeks global protection for its rich resources Jakarta Post | May 26 2015 Brian Fegan - "The Navy is profiting from the plunder. The navy’s cooperative, Inkopal, is the business partner of the leading foreign fishing companies whose trawlers ply the Arafura Sea in the Moluccas"
Overfishing a looming problem in Indonesia
March 17, 2010 Fishermen, coastal residents sidelined at ocean conference 2009-05-17 00:11:23 30 Persen Hutan Maluku Bisa Hilang
Kompas | Senin, 4 Juli 2011 Justice for indigenous people VHRmedia | 19 April 2011 Seram Tambah Sawit Jadi 20.000 Hektar Kompas | March 4, 2011 Warga Pulau Seram menemukan ribuan ton kayu ilegal di pantai Pulau Seram, Kabupaten Seram Timur, Maluku. 25/06/2010 Pembalakan Hutan di Pulau Seram Makin Marak Liputan6 | 18 April 2010 Pemprov Maluku tawarkan investasi Rp11,7 triliun Apr 11, 2010 Indonesian military behind illegal logging: study AFP Jan 29, 2010 PT Nusa Ina Komitmen Bangun Zona Agronomi Terpadu Siwa Lima News | Monday, 12 October 2009 Kelapa Sawit, Solusi Atau Masalah? | Fri Dec 26, 2008 Illegal logging damages 1.6 mln hectares of forests a year in Indonesia ANTARA | July 30, 2008 Illegal Logging Diduga Masih Berlangsung Di Kecamatan Batabual, Pulau Buru 23-Mei-2008 Indonesia Plays Down Threat To Forests From Mining March 19, 2008 INDONESIA: Deforestation Causing More Than Landslides IPS | March 9 2008 Mining companies asked to prioritize conservation
Tue, May 4 2010 Opening of Indonesia's Protected Forests Defended Jakartaglobe | March 02, 2010 Indonesia Legalizes Mining in Protected Forests Science News 9 Jul 2005 Newcrest slammed for collusion with military Wednesday, January 21, 2004 Mining to resume in protected Indonesian forests Asia Times | March 17, 2004 Gold Mine in North maluku Forest: Wages of Protest is Death February 10, 2004 Newcrest confirms death at North Maluku mine January 8, 2004 Thousands of Indigenous Protestors Blockade Australian Mine in Maluku 11 Feb 2003 |
"The Indonesian government's planned reforms are totally inadequate ... The law says the government needs to get the military out of these businesses, but instead they will be allowed to remain in military hands. Promising to monitor them more closely simply isn't good enough."
Lisa Misol, senior researcher in the Business and Human Rights Program at Human Rights Watch "The Indonesian government says it wants to professionalize its military, but we’ve seen little evidence of real change. Troops are breaking the law, violating human rights and hiding the money they make on the side. Military reform means getting soldiers out of business and prosecuting those who broke the law."Lisa Misol, researcher with the Business and Human Rights Program at Human Rights Watch - June 21, 2006
“Unkept Promise” Failure to End Military Business Activity in Indonesia