Prabowo Janjikan Transmigrasi Besar-besaran
Tue, Jun 23, 2009 Calon Wakil Presiden (cawapres) Prabowo Subianto berjanji akan melakukan program transmigrasi besar-besaran agar petani di Pulau Jawa mendapatkan lahan pertanian lebih luas sekaligus mengolah jutaan hektare lahan yang masih terlantar. |
Martono, Menteri Transmigrasi Indonesia pada
20 Maret, 1985: "Maksud dari transmigrasi adalah untuk menyatukan bangsa Indonesia dan pada akhirnya suku-suku bangsa yang ada di Indonesia akan tidak ada lagi, yang ada hanya satu saja, bangsa Indonesia berdasarkan budaya Jawa". |
How Transmigration ruined Indonesia
by Bernard Nietschmann Transmigration - the resettlement of people loyal to a central government - is the main tactic for "smokeless wars" of invasion and occupation by Third World states against Fourth World Nations and peoples. Java's war on the peoples it claims as Indonesian civilians is called transmigrasi (Transmigration). It represents the world's largest invasion force. The 1984 - 1989 Five Year Plan called for the movement of 5,000,000 people from Java, Madura and Bali specifically to those areas that resist Java's imposed sovereignty: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Moluccas, East Timor, and West Papua.
Over the next 20 years, some 65,000,000 more people will be moved to Javanize Fourth World territories claimed by Indonesia. Java no longer gives overpopulation as the principal reason behind transmigration. Centralized political and economic goals - not humanitarian ones - are the justifications. The Jakarta government lists seven goals for its transmigration program: To promote national unity, national security, an equal distribution of the population, national development, the preservation of nature, help to the farming classes, and improvement of the condition of local peoples. (Survival International, Bulletin: March 2, 1985) What transmigration has actually accomplished is very different: The spread of poverty, forced displacement of indigenous peoples from their homes, communities and lands; deforestation and soil damage at the rate of some 200,000 hectares per year (to total 3,600,000 deforested hectares by 1989); destruction of local governments, economies, means of sustainable resource use; forced assimilation programs; widespread use of military force to "pacify" areas and to break local resistance by bombing and massacres of civilians. "Indonesia ensures Islamisation of the Moluccas"
Nederlands Dagblad (Dutch Newspaper) Published: October 16, 2008 22:50, last update: October 16, 2008 22:54 of our political editor JAKARTA - The Indonesian government makes sure that Muslims will be the majority on the Moluccan islands. This is what Moluccan human rights lawyers said yesterday to the Dutch parliamentary delegation of foreignaffairs. On the island group, which previously has a majority Christian population, the population is now 60 percent Muslim. "It is logical as the government encourages people to move from the densely populated sparsely populated Java to the Moluccas'' says ChristianUnion MP Joël Voordewind". But according to the lawyers, the government selects at the gate. Christian transmigrants are being denied access to the Moluccas. According to the lawyers, the authorities maintain a rigid birth-control policy in which christians are only permitted to have two children, while muslims are allowed to sometimes have nine children. Copyright 2008 Nederlands Dagblad (Dutch Newspaper) Note MICHR: An official government delegation of the Dutch Parliament visit Indonesia from October 12 until October 19, 2008. Their planned visit to the Moluccas to obtain first hand information concerning the state of human rights on the Moluccan Islands and in particular of Moluccan political prisoners, numbering more than 90, was prohibited by the Dutch government. Who benefits? Friday, 01 April 2005
For example, one resettled Forest Tobelo community in eastern Halmahera has been placed under the jurisdiction of a nearby village of transmigrants. These transmigrants live on land taken from the Forest Tobelo in the 1980s. Decentralisation essentially gives them control over remaining Forest Tobelo land and allows them to sell off usage rights to others. It is unlikely that the Forest Tobelo will receive any of the resulting revenues. |
Tahun Depan 24 Provinsi jadi Tujuan Transmigrasi
Tribun News | Rabu, 9 Desember 2015 Transmigrasi Mampu Jadi Solusi Tiga Masalah di Indonesia Kompas | Kamis, 10 Desember 2015 25 Keluarga Banten Ditransmigrasikan ke Sulsel dan Maluku Berita Satu | Jumat, 11 Desember 2015 Government to Relocate 3.5 Million Families Under Revived Transmigration Scheme Jakarta Globe | 22 September 2015 Bangun Transmigrasi Berbasis Kawasan, Marwan Jafar Tandatangani MoU dengan 25 Pemda Berita Satu | Selasa, 22 September 2015 25 Gubernur Siap Dukung Transmigrasi Republika | Selasa, 22 September 2015 Maluku Tengah Tetapkan 3 Kawasan Daerah Transmigrasi Spektrum Maluku | 1 september 2015 Pemerintah Buka 12 Ribu Desa untuk Transmigrasi Tabloid Jubi | 27 Agustus, 2015 Menolak Transmigrasi, Bentuk Memudarnya Nasionalisme Viva | Senin, 24 Agustus 2015 | 16:13 WIB Transmigrasi Dihidupkan Lagi Dan Jadi Program Unggulan Kementerian Desa Bisnis | Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015 | 03:57 WIB Meski Ditolak Warga Papua, Menteri Marwan Tak Akan Hentikan Program Transmigrasi Indonesia Timur | 19 Juni 2015 TRANSMIGRASI ADALAH ANCAMAN LATEN TERHADAP EKSISTENSI GEOGRAFI, EKONOMI DAN SOSIAL POLITIK RAKYAT MALUKU DALAM JANGKA PANJANG OPINI oleh JULIUS R. LATUMAERISSA 13 Mei 2015 Tak Setuju Transmigrasi, DPRD Inginkan Translok Tribun Maluku | Selasa, 12 Mei 2015 Nakertrans Maluku : Tidak Ada Masalah Lahan Transmigrasi Tribun Maluku | Kamis, 07 Mei 2015 500 KK Transmigran-Translok Akan Ditempatkan di Negeri Sepa Tribun Maluku | Rabu, 01 April 2015 Kebudayaan Teon-Nila-Serua hampir punah Antara News | Selasa, 22 April 2014 100 KK Transmigran Ditempatkan di Seram Utara Rabu, 6 Maret 2013 Pandeglang kirim transmigran ke Kalbar dan Maluku Senin, 28 Januari 2013 23:26 WIB MALUKU JADI TARGET DAERAH PENERIMA TRANSMIGRASI Penandatanganan Naskah Kesepakatan Bersama (MoU) Antar Daerah 15 Aug 2012 Latupati Tolak Transmigrasi Disesali Wagub Maluku Said Assagaff SiwaLimaNews / Friday, July 20 2012 12:55 pm PERAMPASAN HAK DAN KEPEMILIKAN TANAH ULAYAT MASYARAKAT ADAT PULAU SERAM Monday, February 27th, 2012 SBURA Beberkan Penyerobotan Tanah Rakyat Friday, 13 January 2012 Land Reform Protest Turns Into Violent Fracas in Ambon Too January 13, 2012 |