Peringati HUT RMS Ke-73, Puluhan Bendera Benang Raja Berkibar di Negeri Aboru: Ini Foto-foto & Videonya
TitaStory | 26 April 2023 HUT RMS, Benang Raja Kembali Berkibar Di Aboru TitaStory | 26 April 2022 Penjara Seumur Hidup Mengancam Tiga Orang di Maluku Tengah Gara-gara Kibarkan Bendera RMS Kompas | 18 Mei 2021 Police Arrests 3 People for Raising Flag of RMS Separatist Movement in Indonesia's Maluku Kompas | May 17, 2021 Two South Maluku Republic independence sympathisers arrested in Maluku INDO LEFT | May 16, 2021 Rayakan Hari Kapitan Pattimura, Bendera RMS Dikibarkan di Maluku Viva | 15 Mei 2021 Jelang HUT RMS, Polda Maluku Gelar Operasi Merah Putih Siwalima Tribun Ambon | Rabu, 21 April 2021 Petinggi FKM/RMS Keberatan atlas Dakwaan Jaksa TitaStory | 30 Juni 2020 Saat Aktivis RMS Kibarkan Bendera Benang Raja di Kantor Polisi hingga di Gedung SD di Ambon Kompas | 26 April 2020 ▼ Terobos Markas Polda Maluku, 3 Pimpinan FKM Bentangkan Bendera RMS
TitaStory | 26 April 2020 Kibaran Bendera Serta Pawai Meriahkan HUT RMS di Desa Aboru Suara Paparisa | April 25, 2020 63 Political prisoners in Indonesia appeal to UN Radio New Zealand | 17 April 2020 63 Tahanan Politik di Indonesia Kirim Desakan ke PBB Jennifer Robinson Bawa Kasus Tapol di Indonesia TitaStory | 17 April 2020 Hentikan Kriminalisasi Atas Ekspresi Keyakinan dan Politik Ke-5 (lima) Orang Warga Pulau Haruku, Maluku Kontras | 28 November 2019 Pasang Bendera RMS, Lima Aktivis Ditangkap Terkait Makar
CNN Indonesia | 02 Juli 2019 Penggiat HAM Desak Polisi Bebaskan 5 Aktivis RMS Benar News | 02 Juli 2019 5 Aktivis RMS ditangkap Aparat Gabungan di Kantor Perwakilan RMS Hulaliu Tabaos | 30 Juni 2019 ▼ Antisipasi HUT RMS, Polda Maluku Kerahkan 473 Personel
Kompas | 23 April 2018 Nasib Tak Tentu Tapol Papua dan Maluku di Bawah Jokowi By Andreas Harsono - Indonesia Researcher Human Rights Watch | 9 August 2017 |
Maluku: Military eyes wide shut on Indonesia's latest unrest
Christian Science Monitor | 07 June 2000 The pro-independence dance at Merdeka Stadium in Ambon
On 29 June 2007, at least 23 men performed the ‘Cakalele’ dance (a traditional Maluku wardance) in front of Indonesia’s President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Ambon, Maluku province, Eastern Indonesia. At the end of their performance, the Moluccan dancers displayed the ‘Benang Raja’ flag, symbol of South Maluku independence, before central government, foreign and provincial officials. Police arrested 22 of the dancers, subjecting them to severe beatings and torture during their interrogation and detention. They were sentenced to between seven and 20 years’ imprisonment. READ MORE » Ambon, June 29th, 2007
President Susilo BambangYudhoyono commissioned Detachment 88, locally known as DENSUS 88, to tackle hard the peaceful political-activists and punished them as terrorists. The elite police counter-terroris unit is financed, trained and equipped by USA and Australia. Jakarta Globe / Apr 25, 2014 Jakarta Post | 2012-09-02