Laporan oleh Butje Hahury Ambon / 25 April 2014 Demonstrasi Damai yang diikuti ribuan rakyat berhasil dilaksanakan jumat pagi ini (25/4) di Kota Ambon, Maluku Selatan. Dalam aksi tersebut rakyat mengibarkan bendera Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) dan beberapa bendera Republik Maluku Selatan (RMS) dalam perjalanan menuju titik kumpul yang direncanakan di Monumen Ging Perdamaian di pusat kota Ambon. Namun, Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) menghadang massa aksi demo damai di sekitar Batu Gantong. Tentara menutup jalan dengan truk-truk militer dan ratusan personil militer memenuhi jalan yang akan dilalui peserta aksi. Beberapa orang dipukul dan dianiaya oleh personil militer sehingga mengalami luka-luka. Beberapa aktifis ditangkap, termasuk Simon Saija dan Franky (Angky) Sinmiasa. Ratusan peserta yang mengambil titik kumpul di pinggiran kota Ambon, juga dihadang dan dilarang untuk bergerak ke dalam kota Ambon. Massa rakyat peserta aksi demo damai datang dari berbagai wilayah dan pulau-pulau di Maluku. Ada yang datang dari Negeri Latu-Hualoy di Pulau Seram, dan menyeberang lautan dari pulau-pulau Lease. Mereka bergabung dengan peserta aksi demo damai dari pulau Ambon, yang tersebar mulai Jazirah Leihitu sampai Jazirah Leitimor. Di samping aksi demo damai, terlihat beberapa bendera RMS dan bendera PBB dikibarkan di langit Kota Ambon menggunakan balon. Aparat TNI juga menurunkan dan menyita bendera RMS yang dinaikan di wilayah Kecamatan Nusaniwe kota Ambon. Aksi demo kali ini betul-betul membuat TNI kalang kabut, meski TNI telah menggerakan ratusan personil untuk mencegah pengibaran bendera RMS. Namun keberanian rakyat yang menyala-nyala, tak takut mati, berhasil mengarak bendera RMS dalam kota Ambon di depan personil militer dan Polisi yang memenuhi jalur jalan dalam kota Ambon tempat aksi massa lakukan demonstrasi damai. Suasana kota Ambon siang ini, tetap tenang. Aktfitas masyarakat berjalan normal sebagaimana biasanya. Menurut seorang peserta aksi demo damai, "jika aksi demo seperti ini akan dilakukan lagi dengan perencanaan yang lebih rapih, maka puluhan ribu massa akan tumpah ruah di jalan-jalan di dalam kota Ambon". Mudah-mudahan semua pihak bisa belajar dari aksi demo damai yang elegan dan berani ini. |
Peaceful demonstration flying the RMS flag in Ambon
Report by Butje Hahury Ambon / 25 April 2014 Peaceful demonstrations were followed by thousands of people successfully implemented this Friday morning (25/4) in the city of Ambon, South Moluccas. In this action the people flying the flag of the United Nations (UN), and several flags of the Republic of South Maluku (RMS) on the way to the rallying point, which is planned in the "Peace Gong Monument" in the city of Ambon. However, the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) facing the peaceful mass demonstrations around Batu Gantong. Indonesian soldiers closed the highway with military trucks, and hundreds of military personnel Indonsia have met on the highway, which will be passed by the demonstrators. Some people are beaten and abused by military personnel, so there are injuries. Several activists were arrested, including Simon Saija and Franky (Angky) Sinmiasa. Hundreds of participants who took a rallying point on the outskirts of the city of Ambon, also blocked and banned by the Indonesian military and police to move into the city of Ambon. Masses peaceful demonstration participants come from different regions and islands in the Moluccas. There were also coming from the State Latu-Hualoy Ceram, and the cross comes from the ocean derived from Lease islands, Maluku. They were joined by participants of the peaceful demonstrations of the island of Ambon, which spread from the peninsula Leihitu, until at Peninsula Leitimor. In addition to a peaceful demonstration, seen some of the RMS flag and the UN flag was hoisted in the sky city of Ambon using balloons. TNI also lowered and seized the RMS flag raised in the District Nusaniwe, the city of Ambon. Demonstrations this time actually making military scrambling, although the military has been moving hundreds of personnel to prevent the RMS flag. But the courage of the people burning, do not fear death, succeeded in parading the RMS flag in Ambon city in front of military and police personnel who meet the lanes in the city of Ambon in which place did the demonstration peaceful mass action. Atmosphere of Ambon city this afternoon, remain calm. Community activities run normally as usual, according to the participants of a peaceful demonstration, "if demonstrations like this will be done again by planning a more neat, then tens of thousands mass will be poured into the streets of the city of Ambon". Hopefully all parties can learn from the peaceful demonstration is an elegant and bold. |