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Open letter to the President of the Republic of Indonesia
May, 2008
Dear President Yudhoyono,
I'm outraged with the life sentence handed down by the Ambon District Court to Mr.
Johannis Teterisa, the coordinator of a Moluccan traditional dance, for waving a
separatist flag.
The verdict clearly reflected your country’s repressive legal system and the deterioration of the judicial branch, particularly the police, the courts and judiciary. Moreover, the verdict is clearly in violation of international human rights law, standards and ethics.
Mr. President, taking into account that Indonesia is a member of the UN Human
Rights Council and has ratified the two key human rights instruments, the ICCPR and
ICESCR, and the UN Anti Torture Convention, I therefore call upon you to release
all peace loving Moluccan political prisoners.
Your country's lasting refusal to honor the international judicial and humanitarian
standards will soon lead to the dissolution of your country as newborn democracy.
It is obvious. You can see the “writings on the wall.”
I trust that you will give this matter prompt attention.
Yours sincerely,
Contact MICHR
[email protected]
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Support the Moluccan political prisoners and their relativesPresident Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono |
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Supreme Court |
Last November (2007), visiting UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Manfred Nowak, said beatings and other forms of torture were entrenched in much of Indonesia's prison system.
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Ambon, June 29, 2007: "I want the performers of the dance [to] be investigated," Susilo ordered,"If the dancers have certain purposes, there should be a resolute action against them." "President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono orders investigation into 'unscheduled dance'", Antara [official Indonesian government news agency], June 29, 2007