English and Indonesian Versions:
Koridor 12 Apr 2001, 05:45 WIB
Maluku Wants Independence
Alleged Supported by Foreigners
koridor.com [11 Apr, 18:25]
Disintegration threats on the united Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) becomes even more sharp. There have been incessant calls for independence starting from Aceh, Irian Jaya, Riau, Kalimantan and Maluku.
In fact, it was reported that this coming 25 April, which is the day commemorating the anniversary of South Maluku Republic (RMS) Revelation, South Maluku Republic flag will be hoisted in Maluku as a symbol of its independence from NKRI.
Following this independence issue is the issue that there will be major attack from one of the warring groups. Maluku at this time is still hit with armed conflict between the Christian and Islam groups.
"I already heard such issue and we are keeping a keen guard on this," said Ridwan, a resident of Waehong, Ambon. Such as reported in local newspaper tabloid Detik on its 11-17 April 2001 edition.
It has not been found yet as who is actually the person spreading this RMindependence issue. However, there are allegations against the Maluku Sovereignty Front (FKM), one of the organizations established in Ambon since
18 December 2000. From the start, it has been suspected that this group is a separatist group.
koridor.com's sources admitted on Wednesday (11/4) that people of Maluku are very disappointed with the actions of Jakarta's political elites who never seriously resolved the conflict in Maluku.
"Actually, if the warring people of Maluku, both from the Christian and Islam group, could put aside religion problems, then the people of Maluku only have to declare independence to separate itself from the Republic of
Indonesia," said koridor.com's source who is close with the various Islam groups in Maluku.
According to him, most likely, United States and Netherlands have given financial support for the establishment of a country in Maluku. As, for the interest of United States' armada VII, Maluku Sea is very strategic.
"And its abundant natural resources, specifically its rich sea, will definitely give prosperity to the people of Maluku that only totals to about 2 million people. How could it be not painful if the groups in Java Island are the ones only benefiting from Maluku's richness, likewise corrupting and wasting foreign financial aid. With such the case, who will pay for all of this. Actually, this is one of the reasons strengthening Maluku people's enthusiasm to demand independence," said koridor.com's source. (arthur / pl)
http://www.koridornews.com/artikel.php/14068/a806075d1bc569449f99a1998f4a851d4/9\ 87029057
Copyright © 2000 PT Koridor Dotkom
Koridor 12 Apr 2001, 05:37 WIB
Maluku Mau Merdeka
Diduga Amerika-Belanda Mendukung
koridor.com [11 Apr, 16:48]
Ancaman disintegrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, semakin menyeruak. Gerakan memerdekakan wilayah, tak kunjung henti-hentinya. Mulai dari Aceh, Irian Jaya, Riau, Kalimantan dan Maluku.
Bahkan dikabarkan, pada 25 April mendatang bendera Republik Maluku Selatan-RMS, akan dikibarkan di wilayah Maluku, sekaligus mendeklarasikan kemerdekaan dari NKRI, bertepatan hari ulang tahun pemberontakan RMS.
Isu kemerdekaan Maluku, yang kini masih didera konflik bersenjata, antara kelompok Kristen dan Islam ini, juga disusul akan adanya serangan besar-besaran dari salah satu kelompok bertikai.
"Beta (saya) sudah dengar itu dan kita semua waspada," kata Ridwan, warga Waehong, Ambon, sebagaimana dilansir Tabloid Detak, 11-17 April 2001.
Belum ditemukan, siapa sebenarnya penghembus isu kemerdekaan RMS. Tetapi ada tuduhan terhadap Front Kedaulatan Maluku-FKM, suatu organisasi yang berdiri si Ambon, sejak 18 Desember 2000 lalu. Kelompok ini, memang dicurigai sebagai kelompok separatis, sejak awal.
Sumber koridor.com Rabu (11/4) mengakui, rakyat di wilayah Maluku, sangat kecewa dengan perilaku elit politik Jakarta, yang tidak pernah menyelesaikan konflik Maluku secara serius.
"Memang, kalau warga Maluku yang bertikai, baik dari kelompok Kristen dan Islam, bisa mengesampingkan persoalan agama, maka rakyat Maluku tinggal mendeklarasikan saja kemerdekaan untuk memisahkan diri dari Republik Indonesia," papar sumber yang dekat dengan berbagai kelompok Islam, di Maluku.
Menurutnya Amerika dan Belanda, sangat mungkin memberi dukungan dana untuk berdirinya suatu negara di Maluku. Sebab, untuk kepentingan Armada VII Amerika, laut Maluku sangat strategis.
"Dan kekayaan alam khususnya laut, tentu akan memakmurkan rakyat Maluku, yang jumlahnya hanya sekita 2 juta jiwa. Bagaimana tidak sakit, kalau kelompok di Pulau Jawa saja yang menikmati kekayaan daerah, lalu korupsi dan
menghabiskan bantuan asing. Lalu, siapa yang akan bayar. Ini salah satu alasan, memperkuat semangat rakyat Maluku untuk merdeka," papar sumber koridor.com. (arthur / ac)
Copyright © 2000 PT Koridor Dotkom _
Koridor 12 Apr 2001, 05:45 WIB
Maluku Wants Independence
Alleged Supported by Foreigners
koridor.com [11 Apr, 18:25]
Disintegration threats on the united Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) becomes even more sharp. There have been incessant calls for independence starting from Aceh, Irian Jaya, Riau, Kalimantan and Maluku.
In fact, it was reported that this coming 25 April, which is the day commemorating the anniversary of South Maluku Republic (RMS) Revelation, South Maluku Republic flag will be hoisted in Maluku as a symbol of its independence from NKRI.
Following this independence issue is the issue that there will be major attack from one of the warring groups. Maluku at this time is still hit with armed conflict between the Christian and Islam groups.
"I already heard such issue and we are keeping a keen guard on this," said Ridwan, a resident of Waehong, Ambon. Such as reported in local newspaper tabloid Detik on its 11-17 April 2001 edition.
It has not been found yet as who is actually the person spreading this RMindependence issue. However, there are allegations against the Maluku Sovereignty Front (FKM), one of the organizations established in Ambon since
18 December 2000. From the start, it has been suspected that this group is a separatist group.
koridor.com's sources admitted on Wednesday (11/4) that people of Maluku are very disappointed with the actions of Jakarta's political elites who never seriously resolved the conflict in Maluku.
"Actually, if the warring people of Maluku, both from the Christian and Islam group, could put aside religion problems, then the people of Maluku only have to declare independence to separate itself from the Republic of
Indonesia," said koridor.com's source who is close with the various Islam groups in Maluku.
According to him, most likely, United States and Netherlands have given financial support for the establishment of a country in Maluku. As, for the interest of United States' armada VII, Maluku Sea is very strategic.
"And its abundant natural resources, specifically its rich sea, will definitely give prosperity to the people of Maluku that only totals to about 2 million people. How could it be not painful if the groups in Java Island are the ones only benefiting from Maluku's richness, likewise corrupting and wasting foreign financial aid. With such the case, who will pay for all of this. Actually, this is one of the reasons strengthening Maluku people's enthusiasm to demand independence," said koridor.com's source. (arthur / pl)
http://www.koridornews.com/artikel.php/14068/a806075d1bc569449f99a1998f4a851d4/9\ 87029057
Copyright © 2000 PT Koridor Dotkom
Koridor 12 Apr 2001, 05:37 WIB
Maluku Mau Merdeka
Diduga Amerika-Belanda Mendukung
koridor.com [11 Apr, 16:48]
Ancaman disintegrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, semakin menyeruak. Gerakan memerdekakan wilayah, tak kunjung henti-hentinya. Mulai dari Aceh, Irian Jaya, Riau, Kalimantan dan Maluku.
Bahkan dikabarkan, pada 25 April mendatang bendera Republik Maluku Selatan-RMS, akan dikibarkan di wilayah Maluku, sekaligus mendeklarasikan kemerdekaan dari NKRI, bertepatan hari ulang tahun pemberontakan RMS.
Isu kemerdekaan Maluku, yang kini masih didera konflik bersenjata, antara kelompok Kristen dan Islam ini, juga disusul akan adanya serangan besar-besaran dari salah satu kelompok bertikai.
"Beta (saya) sudah dengar itu dan kita semua waspada," kata Ridwan, warga Waehong, Ambon, sebagaimana dilansir Tabloid Detak, 11-17 April 2001.
Belum ditemukan, siapa sebenarnya penghembus isu kemerdekaan RMS. Tetapi ada tuduhan terhadap Front Kedaulatan Maluku-FKM, suatu organisasi yang berdiri si Ambon, sejak 18 Desember 2000 lalu. Kelompok ini, memang dicurigai sebagai kelompok separatis, sejak awal.
Sumber koridor.com Rabu (11/4) mengakui, rakyat di wilayah Maluku, sangat kecewa dengan perilaku elit politik Jakarta, yang tidak pernah menyelesaikan konflik Maluku secara serius.
"Memang, kalau warga Maluku yang bertikai, baik dari kelompok Kristen dan Islam, bisa mengesampingkan persoalan agama, maka rakyat Maluku tinggal mendeklarasikan saja kemerdekaan untuk memisahkan diri dari Republik Indonesia," papar sumber yang dekat dengan berbagai kelompok Islam, di Maluku.
Menurutnya Amerika dan Belanda, sangat mungkin memberi dukungan dana untuk berdirinya suatu negara di Maluku. Sebab, untuk kepentingan Armada VII Amerika, laut Maluku sangat strategis.
"Dan kekayaan alam khususnya laut, tentu akan memakmurkan rakyat Maluku, yang jumlahnya hanya sekita 2 juta jiwa. Bagaimana tidak sakit, kalau kelompok di Pulau Jawa saja yang menikmati kekayaan daerah, lalu korupsi dan
menghabiskan bantuan asing. Lalu, siapa yang akan bayar. Ini salah satu alasan, memperkuat semangat rakyat Maluku untuk merdeka," papar sumber koridor.com. (arthur / ac)
Copyright © 2000 PT Koridor Dotkom _