Anticipating Human Rights Violations & Heinous Crime by the Indonesian Government on April 25, 2001- The Moluccan Day of Independence
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 14:48:49 -0400
Subject: Violence Threatens Moluccan Day of Independence 4/25/01
Note: We have released this "LETTERS" to more than 60 countries and 1800 outlets !!!
U.S. Contact: FKM-USA
The WOW Task Force
E-mail: spicecapades2000@...
To: The International Community
From: Front Kedaulatan Maluku (FKM)- Moluccan Sovereignty Front
Cc: President George W. Bush; Vice President Dick Chenney; U.S. Senate; U.S. House of Representatives;
Members of European Union Secretary of State, Colin Powell; High Commissioner for Human Rights, Marie Robinson ; The International Community & Media; Rep. Joe Pitts, Ranking Democrat- Subcomittee on East Asia & the Pacific, Erni Faleomavaega; Voice of America; FKM Representatives all Over the World
A decree issued on April 17, 2001 by the Governor of Maluku, Saleh Latuconsina, in his capacity as the Civil Emergency Administrator in that region banning all future activities of FKM (Front Kedaulatan Maluku - Moluccan Sovereignty Front) was totally unfair, unjust and an exaggeration / over-reaction on the part of the Indonesian government. This kind of treatment is due to the dominant presence of FKM with her four fundamental demands in the context of settling the prolonged human tragedy in Maluku in general and in the city of Ambon in particular. Demands that ironically lead to relative peace in Maluku making it possible for all daily activities to run smoothly.
Moreover FKM will continue to make a conscious effort to engage in activities that are responsible, decent, and honorable. FKM was never and will never be involved in:
- Negative or destructive tactics
- Unethical or dirty tricks
- Criminal Activities
- Hidden or secret activities
- Activities that will disgrace the religion of others
The abuse directed towards FKM by the Regional Civil Emergency Administrator, political elites in Jakarta and others defies reality. On the contrary, the ones that spread false rumors and innuendos were those who do notwant to see the realization of good-will among Alif'urus or Moluccans in their communities.
This flagrant abuse stems from the corrupt elite's interest in protecting their position as well as their access towards money and power.
FKM is patiently waiting and respectively demand a reply of letter # 12 sent to the President of Indonesia, Mr.A.Wahid, and letter # 14 addressed to the Secretary General of the U.N., Mr. Kofi Annan.(See attached letters )
What has been done by FKM were always precise and touched the heart of the matter. However, this was
always distorted by accusations that were labeled as a rebellious and separatist acts. This sounds more and more like an old tune without the right starting pitch. It gets old after awhile !
Meanwhile widely spread crimes are allowed to continue without any repercussions whatsoever. Criminals and vigilantes were allowed to freely roam the streets of the Moluccas. These facts were totally ignored by the Regional Civil Emergency Administrator. The criminal elements that clearly destroyed and polluted the existing "harmony" present in the Alif"uru society were allowed to continue with their wicked ways, saluted, coddled, greeted with adulation, and was never reprimanded. Meanwhile FKM that is relentlessly fighting for the rights, dignity and prestige of the Alif'uru / Moluccan nation due to its obligation as the "Torch Bearer" of the Moluccan grass roots movement, continue to face false accusation leveled by the Governor as the spokes-person of the Indonesian government.
The birth of FKM is motivated by the burning desire to offer every single Moluccan on earth the opportunity to experience a Decent Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and continue to enjoy a Brotherhood better known as Pela-Gandong which served as an inter-dependence model in the Moluccan society. FKM will continue with her international appeal to lead Maluku to become a free nation despite of the current situation.
The situation was politicized in such away by the bad elements and Prima donnas politicians that don't want
to see peace in the Moluccas. This is done by falsely spreading rumors and tactics that lead to public confusion thereby making the situation tense. For the sake of convenience, they select FKM as their "poster boy" or trouble maker. Contrary to their accusations, the presence of FKM leads to a peaceful condition in the last four months. This is due to a barrage of fundamental demands that served as a Shot in the Arm prompting the government through the army (TNI) and police (POLRI) to take stern actions against troublemakers. Therefore, the continuing distortion of facts must stop!
FKM will continue to remain vigilant and will defend against issues that are not in the best interest of the Moluccan people. Everyone who has eyes and ears will readily admit to this fact provided they have no hidden agenda whatsoever.
FKM is determined to resolve issues on Maluku in a non-violent manner, and therefore in an era of global reformation and democratization there are no reasons as to why the Army (TNI) and police (POLRI) should take the role as the "aggressor." Instead, the TNI and POLRI should exercise restrain and show their professionalism. They must be prudent, sensible, and civilized. They should protect and show support towards all human rights activities of the Alif'uru Moluccans that's been oppressed for the last 423 years.
I would also bring to your attention that up to this moment the Synod of the Protestant Church of Maluku (GPM) has not shown the ability nor the intestinal fortitude to take a stand and judge whether something is just or unjust. Instead she continues to hide behind the fears of her congregations. The Church Synod continue to worship the 1945 prayer where the Moluccas was forced to become the 8th province of Indonesia by then the late Mr. Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia. An action that can be characterized as fatal and one sided and is in violation of international law, a distortion of facts according to Moluccan history and customs.
This is so because at that time the Republic of Indonesia (RI) consists of only and only Java, Madura, and Sumatra. Maluku was never part nor agree to be part of the "unitary" state of RI.
Maluku was part of the Big East. It is so remote from the RI that even the bullet of a cannon won't be able to reach her shores.
If Soekarno is allowed to return to the presidential Decree of July 5, 1959, therefore FKM will counter this by saying that the destiny of our people should be decided by the Linggarjati (1947), Renville (1948), and Round Table (1949) agreements as well as the decision of the South Moluccan Council on March 11, 1947, to join the federal state of East Indonesia conditionally, that is to say: without prejudice to their right to withdraw from the federal state in case the interests of the South Moluccans should be insufficiently taken into account. Note: the South-Moluccan people had actually elected The Council of the South Moluccas by democratic measures.
Thus, the struggle to free Maluku from the Indonesian neo-colonials by the late Dr. Soumokil was based on historical facts, a culture that was thousands of years old, and legitimate international treaties.
Hearsay has it that there is a possibility that the executive chair-person and the Secretary General of FKM will be arrested on April 25, 2001, the day Moluccans all over the world will commemorate the independence proclamation of the Moluccan people declared on April 25, 1950. On that day we will hoist the "Voices of the Rainbow " (the
four colored stripes flag of the Moluccan nation) symbolizing a new era, a new hope where every Moluccan will have a chance to exercise their inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness endowed by their Creator.
This important day will also remind us of our "human dignity" and self-respect ! There is something deep in the heart of every man and woman that is important and demands respect. Every human being is unique, individual personality, and the most powerful drive in any person is to maintain this individuality, to defend this important something against all enemies. This is why you cannot treat people as machines, as numbers on a register, or as "masses,"and get by with it. Every effort that has been made to deprive human beings of this individual worth has failed. It is more powerful than the armies and prison camps. It proved more powerful than the feudal lords who tried to turn people into serfs. It proved more powerful than Hitler's armies.
And it set the stage of our own "land of the free"; for the Moluccan Declaration of Independence, is really a declaration of independence for the individual. It derives its power not because it sets out certain rights for a certain group of men, but from the fact that it proclaims certain inalienable rights for "all men." Hence, April 25 is a day where we reconfirm our "dignity" as a people. A dignity that can't ever be taken away regardless of the consequences.
In closing, we that represent the leadership of FKM headquartered here in Ambon humbly request the "International Community" to promptly respond toward any irresponsible tactics taken by any Indonesian institution or any indication that will lead towards abuse or annihilation of our people as well as FKM and its supporters; an institution that is well known to defend the human rights abuses leveled upon the Moluccan people that occurred in the last 423 years by other foreigners, and the last 50 years by the government of Indonesia , including the past 2 years that served as the culminating-point of the most flagrant human rights violations in the world.
Respectfully yours,
A.H. Manuputty, M.D
Executive Chairperson
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 14:48:49 -0400
Subject: Violence Threatens Moluccan Day of Independence 4/25/01
Note: We have released this "LETTERS" to more than 60 countries and 1800 outlets !!!
U.S. Contact: FKM-USA
The WOW Task Force
E-mail: spicecapades2000@...
To: The International Community
From: Front Kedaulatan Maluku (FKM)- Moluccan Sovereignty Front
Cc: President George W. Bush; Vice President Dick Chenney; U.S. Senate; U.S. House of Representatives;
Members of European Union Secretary of State, Colin Powell; High Commissioner for Human Rights, Marie Robinson ; The International Community & Media; Rep. Joe Pitts, Ranking Democrat- Subcomittee on East Asia & the Pacific, Erni Faleomavaega; Voice of America; FKM Representatives all Over the World
A decree issued on April 17, 2001 by the Governor of Maluku, Saleh Latuconsina, in his capacity as the Civil Emergency Administrator in that region banning all future activities of FKM (Front Kedaulatan Maluku - Moluccan Sovereignty Front) was totally unfair, unjust and an exaggeration / over-reaction on the part of the Indonesian government. This kind of treatment is due to the dominant presence of FKM with her four fundamental demands in the context of settling the prolonged human tragedy in Maluku in general and in the city of Ambon in particular. Demands that ironically lead to relative peace in Maluku making it possible for all daily activities to run smoothly.
Moreover FKM will continue to make a conscious effort to engage in activities that are responsible, decent, and honorable. FKM was never and will never be involved in:
- Negative or destructive tactics
- Unethical or dirty tricks
- Criminal Activities
- Hidden or secret activities
- Activities that will disgrace the religion of others
The abuse directed towards FKM by the Regional Civil Emergency Administrator, political elites in Jakarta and others defies reality. On the contrary, the ones that spread false rumors and innuendos were those who do notwant to see the realization of good-will among Alif'urus or Moluccans in their communities.
This flagrant abuse stems from the corrupt elite's interest in protecting their position as well as their access towards money and power.
FKM is patiently waiting and respectively demand a reply of letter # 12 sent to the President of Indonesia, Mr.A.Wahid, and letter # 14 addressed to the Secretary General of the U.N., Mr. Kofi Annan.(See attached letters )
What has been done by FKM were always precise and touched the heart of the matter. However, this was
always distorted by accusations that were labeled as a rebellious and separatist acts. This sounds more and more like an old tune without the right starting pitch. It gets old after awhile !
Meanwhile widely spread crimes are allowed to continue without any repercussions whatsoever. Criminals and vigilantes were allowed to freely roam the streets of the Moluccas. These facts were totally ignored by the Regional Civil Emergency Administrator. The criminal elements that clearly destroyed and polluted the existing "harmony" present in the Alif"uru society were allowed to continue with their wicked ways, saluted, coddled, greeted with adulation, and was never reprimanded. Meanwhile FKM that is relentlessly fighting for the rights, dignity and prestige of the Alif'uru / Moluccan nation due to its obligation as the "Torch Bearer" of the Moluccan grass roots movement, continue to face false accusation leveled by the Governor as the spokes-person of the Indonesian government.
The birth of FKM is motivated by the burning desire to offer every single Moluccan on earth the opportunity to experience a Decent Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and continue to enjoy a Brotherhood better known as Pela-Gandong which served as an inter-dependence model in the Moluccan society. FKM will continue with her international appeal to lead Maluku to become a free nation despite of the current situation.
The situation was politicized in such away by the bad elements and Prima donnas politicians that don't want
to see peace in the Moluccas. This is done by falsely spreading rumors and tactics that lead to public confusion thereby making the situation tense. For the sake of convenience, they select FKM as their "poster boy" or trouble maker. Contrary to their accusations, the presence of FKM leads to a peaceful condition in the last four months. This is due to a barrage of fundamental demands that served as a Shot in the Arm prompting the government through the army (TNI) and police (POLRI) to take stern actions against troublemakers. Therefore, the continuing distortion of facts must stop!
FKM will continue to remain vigilant and will defend against issues that are not in the best interest of the Moluccan people. Everyone who has eyes and ears will readily admit to this fact provided they have no hidden agenda whatsoever.
FKM is determined to resolve issues on Maluku in a non-violent manner, and therefore in an era of global reformation and democratization there are no reasons as to why the Army (TNI) and police (POLRI) should take the role as the "aggressor." Instead, the TNI and POLRI should exercise restrain and show their professionalism. They must be prudent, sensible, and civilized. They should protect and show support towards all human rights activities of the Alif'uru Moluccans that's been oppressed for the last 423 years.
I would also bring to your attention that up to this moment the Synod of the Protestant Church of Maluku (GPM) has not shown the ability nor the intestinal fortitude to take a stand and judge whether something is just or unjust. Instead she continues to hide behind the fears of her congregations. The Church Synod continue to worship the 1945 prayer where the Moluccas was forced to become the 8th province of Indonesia by then the late Mr. Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia. An action that can be characterized as fatal and one sided and is in violation of international law, a distortion of facts according to Moluccan history and customs.
This is so because at that time the Republic of Indonesia (RI) consists of only and only Java, Madura, and Sumatra. Maluku was never part nor agree to be part of the "unitary" state of RI.
Maluku was part of the Big East. It is so remote from the RI that even the bullet of a cannon won't be able to reach her shores.
If Soekarno is allowed to return to the presidential Decree of July 5, 1959, therefore FKM will counter this by saying that the destiny of our people should be decided by the Linggarjati (1947), Renville (1948), and Round Table (1949) agreements as well as the decision of the South Moluccan Council on March 11, 1947, to join the federal state of East Indonesia conditionally, that is to say: without prejudice to their right to withdraw from the federal state in case the interests of the South Moluccans should be insufficiently taken into account. Note: the South-Moluccan people had actually elected The Council of the South Moluccas by democratic measures.
Thus, the struggle to free Maluku from the Indonesian neo-colonials by the late Dr. Soumokil was based on historical facts, a culture that was thousands of years old, and legitimate international treaties.
Hearsay has it that there is a possibility that the executive chair-person and the Secretary General of FKM will be arrested on April 25, 2001, the day Moluccans all over the world will commemorate the independence proclamation of the Moluccan people declared on April 25, 1950. On that day we will hoist the "Voices of the Rainbow " (the
four colored stripes flag of the Moluccan nation) symbolizing a new era, a new hope where every Moluccan will have a chance to exercise their inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness endowed by their Creator.
This important day will also remind us of our "human dignity" and self-respect ! There is something deep in the heart of every man and woman that is important and demands respect. Every human being is unique, individual personality, and the most powerful drive in any person is to maintain this individuality, to defend this important something against all enemies. This is why you cannot treat people as machines, as numbers on a register, or as "masses,"and get by with it. Every effort that has been made to deprive human beings of this individual worth has failed. It is more powerful than the armies and prison camps. It proved more powerful than the feudal lords who tried to turn people into serfs. It proved more powerful than Hitler's armies.
And it set the stage of our own "land of the free"; for the Moluccan Declaration of Independence, is really a declaration of independence for the individual. It derives its power not because it sets out certain rights for a certain group of men, but from the fact that it proclaims certain inalienable rights for "all men." Hence, April 25 is a day where we reconfirm our "dignity" as a people. A dignity that can't ever be taken away regardless of the consequences.
In closing, we that represent the leadership of FKM headquartered here in Ambon humbly request the "International Community" to promptly respond toward any irresponsible tactics taken by any Indonesian institution or any indication that will lead towards abuse or annihilation of our people as well as FKM and its supporters; an institution that is well known to defend the human rights abuses leveled upon the Moluccan people that occurred in the last 423 years by other foreigners, and the last 50 years by the government of Indonesia , including the past 2 years that served as the culminating-point of the most flagrant human rights violations in the world.
Respectfully yours,
A.H. Manuputty, M.D
Executive Chairperson